New York Quarterly Meeting
Community, Facilities Nelia Vishnevsky Community, Facilities Nelia Vishnevsky

New York Quarterly Meeting

The New York Quarterly Meeting Society of Friends (NYQM) owns and manages several historic buildings surrounded by hardscape and landscape in New York City. They also own and manage two cemeteries. The Society of Friends has had a historic commitment to social justice, and Friends have been active in the abolition of slavery, the advancement of equal rights for women, fairness in immigration, and ending war.

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Congregation Beth Elohim
Community, Facilities Nelia Vishnevsky Community, Facilities Nelia Vishnevsky

Congregation Beth Elohim

Congregation Beth Elohim (CBE) is a Reform Jewish congregation in Brooklyn and a spiritual, cultural, and intellectual center for Jewish revitalization. CBE occupies two facilities at the intersection of Garfield Place and Eighth Avenue in the Park Slope Landmark District.

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